

This example shows how to use the tex-chtml component to process a complete HTML page containing TeX notation with equation numbers, and how to reference them using \label, \ref, and \eqref.

NOTE: forward references currently aren’t implemented (the ones in the example fail), but will be in a future release.

The key lines are

  MathJax = {
    tex: {
      tags: 'all'  // should be 'ams', 'none', or 'all'
  <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

which configures the TeX input jax to include automatic tags for equations in AMS environments that call for them. The math on the page includes examples of starred environments (that tells MathJax not to number those equations), and of the use of \notag to prevent a tag on an equation, and \tag{} to override the default tag number.

Run the example